Assign a costing allocation for staff



Assign costing allocation

  1. Use the Workday search bar to find the task "Assign Costing Allocation"
  2. In the "Worker Costing" field, type the name of or search for the worker who needs a costing allocation. 
  3. Open the "Position" field and select the correct position for the worker's costing allocation
  4. Click the OK button

Screenshot of the assign costing allocation form

  1. On the next screen, enter Start Date and End Date for the costing allocation. If the position will permanently be funded through the costing allocation, you can leave the end date blank. 
    1. Note 1: Funding for the position will automatically return to default sources after the end date specified. No additional action is needed to remove the costing allocation.
    2. Note 2: You cannot backdate a costing allocation. Please contact payroll ( if you need to make a retroactive adjustment to a worker's compensation 
  2. Scroll down to the "Costing Allocation Details" table. Scroll right and enter the funding source (Cost Center, Grant Gift, Project, Program, Designated Fund, or Reserve)
  3. If the costing allocation is split between multiple funding sources, click the plus icon (➕) to add a new line
    1. Note: Be sure the "Distribution Percent" equals 100 across all lines

Screenshot of the assign costing allocation screen. Features described in the text are highlighted.

  1. Click Submit


Edit a costing allocation

  1. Follow the same process as above. Be sure to verify the start and end dates for your changes. 




Article ID: 8036
Tue 6/4/24 9:31 AM
Wed 1/8/25 4:20 PM