How to find details about your MHC-assigned computer(s)


Self-service access to details about your MHC computer.



If you're listed as a computer's owner in the LITS asset management system, you can access the following information about it at any time: 

  • Computer name
  • Product model
  • Asset tag / Service tag number*
  • Expected replacement date
  • Where LITS thinks it's located on campus


  1. Log into the AskLITS portal (this website) if you haven't already using the Sign In link in the top right hand corner of this page and entering your MHC username and password
  2. Select your name in the top right hand corner of this page
  3. Choose My Profile
  4. Navigate down to the My Assets section
  5. Select the asset of your choice to show more details
screenshot of the "my assets" section of an AskLITS portal profile page



Article ID: 10133
Fri 8/2/24 10:10 AM
Wed 9/11/24 1:46 PM

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Request new, additional, and replacement employee computers. Check whether your computer is due for replacement. Return computers to LITS. Purchase your computer when you retire.