Install software with MHC's Self-Service app for Mac


How to use the Self-Service app.



Through the self-service application, users can install licensed and vetted software on MHC-owned Macs and run corrective utilities and tasks to assist in problem-solving.

Self-Service application icon

Use Self-Service

  1. Open a new Finder window. The application can also be found on the dock of your Mac.
  2. Select 'Applications' from the left side of the Finder window.
  3. Select the Self-Service application from the list.
  4. Search for an application or select from the categories of software and links.
  5. Once you've found the software you would like to install, select the software to read more information, then select Install.



Article ID: 304
Tue 7/25/23 12:34 PM
Tue 5/28/24 9:17 AM

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