View and print payslips in Workday


View payslips

  • From the Workday home screen, click the Global Navigation Menu in the top left to open the Workday Apps sidebar.
  • Click the Pay app, represented by a small image of a wallet.
  • On the next screen, select the button that says Payslips.
  • The "My Payslips" screen will open.

screenshot of the "My Payslips" screen

  • Click View to see the details of an individual payslip.


Print payslips

  • When viewing a payslip, click the Print Payslip Image button to create a printable PDF.
    • A message will display, saying that your request is being processed. Select Notify Me Later.
  • To view the payslip PDF, click the Notification icon at the top right of the screen, as illustrated below. 

screenshot of the Workday homepage. The Notifications icon is highlighted

  • On the Notifications page that opens, click on the notification in the list on the left-hand side, titled "Document Available." You can view details, including a link to the PDF document, for downloading and physical printing.


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Article ID: 5069
Mon 3/18/24 3:53 PM
Fri 8/23/24 3:45 PM