Reconciling your procurement card (p-card)



After you have received goods or services paid for on the p-card, complete these steps to reconcile the transaction. Completing this process releases payment to the vendor and draws funds from the budget line associated with the purchase. 

Reminder: The procurement card should be used to pay for business-related goods and services that are not related to entertainment, events, hospitality, or travel. (Please use your travel and events card [T&E card] for costs related to those activities.)


1. Verify procurement card transactions

  1. From the Workday home screen, click the Global Navigation Menu in the top left to open the Workday Apps sidebar
  2. Click the Purchases app
  3. In the Actions card, select the button that says Verify Procurement Card Transactions 

screenshot of the Workday homescreen. The purchases app is highlighted in the foreground, and the button "Verify Procurement Card Transactions" in the background

  1. Verify the "Company" field. Most employees will use "Trustees of Mount Holyoke College," but this may need to be changed if the transaction is for Willits, the Student Government Association, or the Alum Association.
    1. Note: The "Document Date" defaults to today's date. You may need to change this to match the period (month) of the transaction. For example, if you made a purchase on August 21st, and you are creating the Procurement Card Transaction Verification on September 3rd, change the "Document Date" to August 31st to keep the transaction within the August fiscal period. 
  2. Select the transaction(s) you are ready to reconcile.

screenshot of the procurement card transaction verification screen. The company field and transaction selection box are highlighted.

  1. Click OK.
  2. On the next page, scroll down to the "Transaction Details" section. Assign a Spend Category to the purchase.

screenshot of the p-card verification screen

  1. Complete the Line Item Description with a meaningful description of what was purchased. This should not be the same as the spend category and it should be specific to the good or service purchased
  2. Scroll to the right and complete the Quantity, Unit of Measure & Unit Cost fields (when applicable)
  3. Continue scrolling right, complete the Memo field with a meaningful description of what was purchased. Again, this should not be the same as the spend category you assigned. The Memo you enter can be the same as the Line Item Description, but they not required to match
  4. Continue scrolling right to verify the Cost Center and any additional worktags related to the purchase, such as a Gift, Grant, Project, Program or Designated Funds. Do not edit "Additional Worktags."

screenshot of the transaction details section.Named features are highlighted and arrows show that you need to scroll right to complete all fields

  1. Scroll up and click the Attachments tab to attach an itemized receipt or invoice

Screenshot of the verify p-card transaction screen. A large arrows illustrates that you need to scroll up to add attchaments.

  1. On the Attachments tab, click Add and then Details button to reveal the add attachment area. Add attachment(s).
    1. You can tell your attachment has uploaded successfully if you receive a small confirmation message and by ensuring that the file listed is under the "File Name" area. 
  2. Navigate between the Information, Attachments, and Transaction Details tabs to verify that all information is correct.

screenshot of the verify p-card screen. Three tabs across the top of the screen are highlighted

  1. When you are ready, click Submit to send the transaction for review and approval, or Save for Later to return to finish it at another time.



2. View draft procurement card transaction verifications

  • From the Workday home screen, click the Global Navigation Menu in the top left to open the Workday Apps sidebar
  • Click the Purchases app
  • In the View card, select the button that says Procurement Card Transactions Verifications

Screenshot of the Purchasing app page. The button labeled "procurement card transaction verifications" is highlighted

  • The next screen shows a quick overview of your p-card verifications and the status of each. Click the magnifying glass to the left of any transaction to view more details.

screenshot of the "my procurement card transaction verifications" screen

  • Note: You cannot edit the draft from this area. See instructions below if you want to edit a draft.


3. Edit draft procurement card transaction verifications

  1. Follow the steps above to navigate to "My Procurement Card Transaction Verifications"
    1. Note: You can also type "My Procurement Card Transaction Verifications" into the search bar to navigate directly to this report
  2. Hover your mouse over the magnifying glass (🔍) to the left of the draft you want to edit. (Do not click it!)
  3. A box with three dots in it (⋯) will appear. This is the "Related Actions Menu." Click the three little dots.
  4. A menu will pop up. In the gray sidebar on the left side of this window there is a folder labeled, "Procurement Card Transaction Verification." Hover over the words Procurement Card Transaction Verification to open that folder.
  5. A small sub-menu will open. Click Edit in that menu.

Screenshot of the related actions menu and steps needed to edit a draft

  1. You can now edit the draft.


4. Cancel a draft procurement card transaction verification

Some changes require you to cancel your draft procurement card transaction verification and start again. (For example, purchases that should be billed to the company Student Government Association may be incorrectly assigned to the company Trustees of Mount Holyoke.)

  1. To cancel your verification and start again, follow the steps described above, but click the Cancel button.
  2. On the next screen, click OK to confirm that you want to cancel this procurement card transaction verification.

screenshot of the related actions menu for a procurement card transaction verification. The cancel button is highlighted