MHC Accounts for alums


What are they? Who gets them? What's included?



MHC welcomes alums back to campus. Alums may use many of the collections, services and spaces on site during the general public building hours and may use all the services available to alums and visitors

Additionally, alums that had MHC Accounts as students may retain them as alums. Review this article to learn more about MHC Accounts for alums. 

Who gets them?

MHC undergraduate and graduate students who continue to actively use their MHC accounts past graduation 

What's included?

Alum MHC Accounts include access to the following services:

Account Life-cycle

Continued use

When MHC students become alums, they can maintain access to their MHC Accounts (and account-related alum services) as long as they continue to abide by MHC's acceptable use policies and log in at least once every 180 days.


MHC Accounts that do not abide by acceptable use policies or are inactive (i.e. where the user does not log into any MHC services) for more than 180 days, will be deactivated and not eligible for reinstatement. Alums with select volunteer roles with the Alumnae Association, Development, and Admissions may be eligible for account reinstatement as part of their volunteer roles.

When the MHC account is deactivated:

  • The alum can no longer log in and access any MHC services
  • Email, documents, calendars, and other data in Google retained for 180 days
  • Shared documents in their Google Drive “My Drive” are still accessible to collaborators for 180 days
  • New email messages and calendar invitations are blocked


MHC Accounts that are 180 days past the deactivation date will be deleted along with all associated data.  College records regarding an alum's enrollment are retained permanently. 



Article ID: 169
Fri 7/7/23 2:27 PM
Wed 7/3/24 11:00 AM

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