Thesis support

What is it?

LITS research librarians can help through all the stages of your thesis: brainstorming your topic, finding sources, organizing your references, citing, and finally submitting your completed thesis to the MHC thesis repository. 

Individual support

Work one-on-one with a research librarian to make a plan for your thesis or answer any other questions about the thesis process you may have.


In addition to one-on-one support, keep an eye on the MHC Events Calendar for these workshops:

  • Library Support for Thesis Students Workshop (offered in the fall semester)
    • learn about the library's research consultation services, information and writing resources, and tools for organizing and citing  your sources
  • Thesis Deposit Workshop (offered in the spring semester)
    • learn how to submit your completed thesis to Mount Holyoke's Institutional Digital Archive


Who can use it?

MHC students working on a thesis


How do I get it?

Research Services offers thesis support workshops each year.

Want some individual support? Schedule a meeting with a research librarian using the "Schedule a thesis consultation" button on this page.



Thesis support workshops are offered every fall and spring semester.

Individual thesis consultations are available during regular business hours when the College is open.


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Schedule a thesis consultation

Related Articles (2)

Follow these instructions to look at theses that MHC students have written in the past.
All students who complete an honors thesis must submit a digital copy to LITS by July 1st of their graduating year (or February 1 if you are graduating mid-year). This article explains how to do that.


Service ID: 600
Wed 7/19/23 10:15 AM
Wed 8/16/23 2:54 PM