How does Senior carrel choosing work?

When is carrel choosing?

Carrel sign up usually takes place in the library on the third Sunday of September.  The exact date is communicated via email to the senior class board and academic dean at the start of the fall semester.  Additional announcements will be made on LITS’ social media channels.

Who can sign up for a carrel?

All students who are classified as seniors at the time of carrel choosing each September are eligible to participate.  

How are carrels assigned?

Carrels are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis, and you are encouraged to explore the library prior to choosing to see what is available.  It is best to come with a few alternate selections in the event your first choice is taken.

There are carrels on both quiet and limited talking floors.  We have a limited number of accessible floors and height-adjustable carrels. Please let us know if you need one of these when you sign up for your carrel. We will do our best to grant your request, as space allows.

What if I can't make it?

If you are unable to attend carrel choosing, you can assign a proxy to attend in your place. The proxy form must be completed prior to carrel selection. Please note that each proxy may make a carrel selection for one senior only.

What happens to carrels that aren't picked during carrel choosing?

Sign up for carrels that remain unassigned after choosing ends will take place at the Circulation Desk and will continue until all carrels are assigned. Note that Carrel selection at the Circulation Desk will be available exclusively for seniors for the first week following the carrel choosing event. After this point, all students will be able to sign up for any carrels that remain unassigned.

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Article ID: 296
Fri 7/21/23 4:55 PM
Tue 9/5/23 10:11 AM

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