How to use the Epson scanners in the Information Commons


This article includes instructions for using the Epson scanners in the Information Commons on the fourth floor of the library.


  1. Log into the computer next to the scanners using your MHC username and password
    • It is the PC to the left of the stairs that go to the MEWS Teaching Area in Dwight Hall
  2. Using the bottom left search bar, locate EPSON Scan and open the software
  3. After the software launches, choose which of the 2 scanners you'd like to use:
    • Note: EPSON Expression 1000XL is located to the left of the computer (larger size scanner) and EPSON GT-1500 is the scanner located to the right of the computer (regular size scanner)

a small box with list of EPSON scanner is shown in the desktop of computer

  1. After selecting the preferred scanner, a window will appear on the screen that has the following settings options:
    • Color, Greyscale, Black/White
    • Paper size
    • Resolution
    • Brightness
    • Contrast

showing a window with the setting options of the selected scanner

  1. Using the Preview option near the bottom left, you can check what the scan will look like

two windows: one with the setting options of the selected scanner and the other one with the Preview scan in progress notification are shown

  1. When selecting the Scan option, a window will prompt you to the File Save Settings where you can select the format you'd like to save the scan in and where you'd like to save the file
    • Depending on what you're scanning, you may want a JPEG, PNG, or PDF
    • Saving to the desktop for now is fine

Showing the window with setting options under "File Save Settings"

"PDF" option for the "Type" field, one of the setting options for File Save Settings, is highlighted

  1. After choosing your settings, use the OK button to initiate the scanning process

showing the Progress box with Scanning and Green bar under it

  1. Once the document scanned, you will be prompted with the following:
    • Scanning is complete. Do you want to continue scanning and add more pages?
      • Select add page to scan another page
      • Select edit page to finish scanning and edit the pages before saving the file
      • Select save file to finish scanning and save the file without editing the pages
    • You can either add a page, edit the page, or save a file 

"EPSON Scan" box and "Add page confirmation" are shown. Add page option is highlighted

  1. After saving the file, it will show up where you chose to save it; In the image below, we've saved the scanned file to the Pictures folder on the computer

Desired PDF is shown as saved under "Pictures" folder

  1. When you are finished, you can add the files to a flash drive, a portable hard drive, or upload them to your Google Drive; If you don’t save the files, they may not remain on the computer after it is restarted
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Article ID: 831
Wed 9/27/23 10:38 AM
Tue 10/24/23 10:31 AM