Residence Hall television support

What is it?

Residence Hall common rooms are equipped with Roku-enabled televisions that may be used to access personal streaming accounts. 

If desired, students may also plug in their own devices to the televisions to stream from a personal computer.


Who can use it?

Current MHC students living in the Residence Halls.


How do I get it?

Use the Rokus:

The Rokus are set up on guest mode, meaning students can safely log into their own streaming subscriptions and not have to worry about remembering to sign out of individual platforms before they leave.

Plug in a personal device:

You may plug a personal computer into the television to stream from your own computer.

If you don't have an HDMI cable of your own:

Once your device is plugged into the television, use the TV remote to change the input until your device shows up.

Need help?

Submit the help form on this page.



Watch 24/7 using your own streaming subscriptions.

Support from Media Services is available during regular business hours when the College is open.


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