Call off-campus phone numbers from a campus telephone


To call someone off campus from your MHC office phone, you’ll need to:

  1. Dial 9 first
  2. If it’s not a local 413 number, you’ll also need to add:
    • A 1 for non-local calls within the United States
    • The country code if it's international 
  3. Then enter the rest of the phone number


  • To call the South Hadley Post Office, you’d dial 9 (800) 275-8777
  • To call the New York Times, you’d dial 9 1 (800) 698-4637
  • To call the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, you'd dial 86 (216) 590-4057
  • To call the LITS Technology Help Desk, you’d dial 2600