Communication & Collaboration Tools

Email, calendaring, video conferencing, campus telephones, data storage, and more.

Categories (4)

Campus Telephones

Articles related to campus telephones and voicemail.

Video Conferencing

Articles related to video conferencing software.

File Storage

Articles relating to MHCDrive, Google Drive, and other MHC file storage options.


Articles related to Gmail and Google groups.

Articles (4)

Add public MHC calendars to your Google calendar

Make the MHC academic calendar and multi-faith event calendars visible from your Google calendar view.

Embark support resources

Find information about and available support resources for Embark.

How to create a website

Websites may be made in either Google Sites or Wordpress.

How to get MHC's emergency system notifications

Information about how various campus constituencies can interact with the campus emergency notification system.