How to connect to the MHC VPN


Follow these instructions to connect to the MHC VPN on Windows and macOS computers and via the mobile application



This is what you can expect when you're connecting to the MHC VPN through GlobalProtect on Windows and macOS computers and via the mobile application. Remember that you can only connect to the MHC VPN from OFF CAMPUS.

Don't have GlobalProtect installed yet? Full download, install, and configuration instructions for GlobalProtect.

How to connect

Jump to instructions for the mobile app.

Windows and macOS Computers

  1. Select the GlobalProtect globe iconGlobalProtect globe icon

    • On MacOS: The globe icon is located at the top right corner of your screen. 

    • On Windows: The globe icon is located on the bottom right corner of your screen. If it is not there, click on the upward pointing arrow to view more icons.

  2. After clicking the globe icon, the GlobalProtect panel window will appear.

screenshot of the GlobalProtect panel open on a macOS computer

  1. After selecting connect, you’ll be directed to a Google log in page in your default browser.

  • If you're not logged into your MHC Google account, log in.
  • If you’re already logged into your MHC Google account (and no other Google accounts) it’ll skip this step.
  • If you’re logged into multiple Google accounts, you’ll see a Google “Choose an Account” page. Select your Mount Holyoke email account to continue.
  1. Next, a Palo Alto Network Page will appear. The very first time you connect after installing the software, it should automatically open a second Google "Choose an Account" page, so check for that.
  • If you’ve checked and no new page has opened on your browser, you should select the blue click here link. Be aware that you may see a blue and white screen pop up saying that you're connected to the MHC VPN. Sometimes that screen shows up pre-maturely. The best way to tell that you're connected is that you'll see a little icon of two interconnected squares appear on the GlobalProtect globe icon  GlobalProtect icon with an icon of two interconnected squares indicating it's connected.

global protect palo alto page that appears mid-connection


  1. If prompted, select your Mount Holyoke email account on the Google account selector page a second time.

  2. The Palo Alto page should open a second time, and the smaller GlobalProtect panel window should show that you are connected. It will say "connected" and there will be an icon of two interconnected squares on the little globe icon.

    • If this is not the case (i.e. it shows ‘Still Working…’), select the click here option on the Palo Alto page again. It may run through steps 3-5 again, but it should connect.

  3. Once you see the two interconnected squares on the GlobalProtect globe icon GlobalProtect icon with shield icon indicating it's connected, you're connected! The GlobalProtect panel window will also show you that you're connected. Close the Palo Alto browser tabs and continue on your way.

GlobalProtect panel window open with a shield icon with two interconnected squares on it over the globe above the word "Connected" 


Mobile devices

  1. Open the GlobalProtect app.

  2. Tap the shield icon in the center of the screen under the words TAP TO CONNECT.

  3. You’ll be directed to a Google log in page in your default browser

  • If you're not logged into your MHC Google account, log in.
  • If you’re already logged into your MHC Google account (and no other Google accounts) it’ll skip this step.
  • If you’re logged into multiple Google accounts, you’ll see a Google “Choose an Account” page. Select your Mount Holyoke email account to continue.
  1. If prompted, choose OK and Open.

  2. If prompted, select your Mount Holyoke email account on the Google account selector page a second time.

  3. You should be redirected back to the app displaying a note "Welcome to the Mount Holyoke College VPN" in blue. When you close that note, you should see that the text now says CONNECTED above the shield icon which is now green, and TAP TO DISCONNECT below. 

  4. Minimize the app and continue with what you were doing. 



Article ID: 281
Thu 7/20/23 4:19 PM
Mon 8/26/24 2:44 PM

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