VPN (virtual private network) support

What is it?

Need to access MHC restricted tech tools from off campus? Want to enable stronger security with your campus work when working remotely? There’s a tool for that — called virtual private network (VPN). Even if you’re traveling*, you can still connect to MHC's network over the internet safely and securely to access the same resources you normally use on campus.

Our VPN provider, GlobalProtect, is installed by default on all portable laptop computers that LITS provides. It can also be installed on personally-owned Windows and macOS computers and mobile android and iOS devices.


Who can use it?

  • Current MHC students, faculty, and staff
  • Five College Students enrolled in an MHC course
  • Emeritus faculty


How do I get it?




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Related Articles (8)

Follow these instructions to connect to the MHC VPN on Windows and macOS computers and via the mobile application
Install and configure GlobalProtect on your devices.
How to prepare your on-campus computer for remote access for the first time.
Instructions for Mac and Windows to remote into on-campus computer from personal computer at home.
For computers that get stuck trying to connect to VPN.
When Windows Updates won't run, you can follow a few steps to try to fix or investigate the issue.
Find guidance for removing the GlobalProtect software from your computer.
Not sure if you need VPN to access your work from off campus? This article explains when VPN is required and when it's just recommended.


Service ID: 377
Mon 6/26/23 10:53 AM
Wed 9/11/24 8:31 AM