There are a number of ways to start a support ticket in the AskLITS portal.
AskLITS portal (preferred)
When you go through our Service Catalog, your request is automatically routed to the relevant team so we can get right to work.
- Navigate to the AskLITS portal (this website)
- Go to the Service Catalog (or use the search box)
- From the list of services, find the one that most closely resembles what you're looking for*
*If you can't find what you're looking for, use the
General Support / Get Help service. However, keep in mind that
it is highly recommended that you use a specific service page to request assistance if one is available for your request. Using the
General Support / Get Help service page for something that we have a specific request form for may result in slower service.
- Use the button at the top right of the page (on desktop) or below the service description (on mobile) to request service
- Prompted to log in?
- Most ticket forms require users to log in**
- Fill out the form, providing as much detail as possible
- At the bottom of the form, choose Request
**Who can log into the AskLITS portal (this website)?
- Current MHC students, faculty, and staff
- People with active MHC affiliate accounts
- Five College students enrolled in MHC courses
- Dual-enrollment high school students enrolled MHC courses
If you are not a member of one of the groups listed above, please use the General Support / Get Help service form or one of the other services for alums or visitors that are available to unauthenticated users.
Login trouble? If you are a member of a group who should be able to log into the AskLITS portal and are having trouble signing in, please submit an MHC Account access support request to get help.
Call or visit in person
Some of our service desks may be contacted via phone or in person. View service desk locations, hours, and phone numbers.
Email (not preferred)
Users can also submit tickets via email, though tickets created via email often take longer to triage and may result in delayed service.
These email addresses are monitored and will automatically create tickets when contacted:
If you do choose to create a ticket via email, make sure to
ONLY send your message to one of our monitored email addresses.
DO NOT include anyone else in the recipients list.
- If you do include other people and they reply to your original message, additional tickets will be created for each reply.
- This creates extra work for our support agents and results in slower service.