What is it?
Phishing is a cyberscam in which a target or targets are contacted by email, telephone or text message by someone posing as legitimate to lure you into providing sensitive data such as personally identifiable information, banking and credit card details, and passwords.
LITS is here to protect you from phishing scams. We can block bad actors and quarantine phishing messages to keep the community safe.
If you receive a message that seems suspicious, follow our instructions to report phishing to the Technology Help Desk for investigation and response. Even if the message seems obviously phishy to you, reporting it to LITS allows us to protect other members of the MHC community.
Please also keep an eye on the Phish Bowl to view phishing messages that have targeted the MHC community.
Who can use it?
Current MHC students, faculty, staff, alums, and other users with MHC accounts
How do I get it?
Follow these instructions for reporting a phishing message to the Technology Help Desk.
Phishing reports are monitored 24/7, though you may not get an immediate response outside of regular business hours.
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