Early Adopters program enrollment and issue reporting

What is it?

Early Adopters agree to test new configurations and receive software patches and updates on their MHC-owned computers soon after they are released by vendors, reporting any issue they find to LITS. This helps LITS to understand the effect that necessary security settings, patches, and updates may have on computers in our environment. By engaging with a diverse group of early adopters across campus, we are better able to address any changes or problems that would be otherwise unforeseen.

Early Adopter responsibilities

  • Use your computer: Seriously, that's all you really need to do. Use your computer as you normally would. You don't have to go around clicking every button, trying every menu item. Just do what you normally do--that's what we're interested in having you test.
  • Flag any issues: Let us know if you run into any problems with a particular patch using the "Report Early Adopter patch issue" button on this page. Your report will come straight to LITS staff in endpoint management.

We'll let you know what patches are being applied, when they're applied. And if you need to leave the program for any reason, either as a permanent change or short term to concentrate during a busy time, you can simply unenroll. No worries. Additionally, if you have more than one computer you use for work, it's possible to enroll one but not the other.


Who can use it?

MHC faculty and staff


How do I get it? 

Join or leave the program

  • Windows users can request to join or leave using the "Windows users: enroll/unenroll" button on this page.
  • MacOS users can automatically join or leave with the "Join Early Adopter's Patching" and "Leave Early Adopter's Patching" actions in the macOS Self-Service application. 

Report an issue with a patch

  • Use the "Report Early Adopter's patch issue" button on this page.



MacOS computers can join or leave 24/7 via the Self-Service application action.

Windows requests to join or leave are processed during regular business hours when the College is open. 

Learn more about patch cycles (when you can expect to receive updates). 


You might also be interested in

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Report Early Adopter patch issue Windows users: enroll/unenroll

Related Articles (2)

Common questions about the Early Adopters program answered!
An overview of the software update schedule for campus computers with a focus on what Early Adopters can expect when they join.


Service ID: 595
Wed 7/12/23 4:42 PM
Wed 11/1/23 4:25 PM