Building/door access requests and support

What is it?

The Mount Holyoke College ID (OneCard) is a multi-purpose photo ID card issued to all incoming students, faculty, staff, and eligible community members. Among other things, your OneCard provides access to the residence halls, academic, and administrative buildings on campus that are appropriate for you to be able to access. 

Some buildings are only accessible with an authorized OneCard, where others may have "open hours" where the doors are unlocked and open to the public.


Who can use it?

Baseline access for individuals is provided automatically based on your role at the college (ex. student/faculty/staff), relevant departmental affiliation (ex. HR/Biology/Art History), and/or assigned residence hall (ex. North Rockies/1837/Torrey).

  • Additional access for faculty and staff can be requested by supervisors/department chairs on behalf of their employees
  • Additional access for students can be requested by supervisors and/or faculty members or department coordinators who manage the space in question

"Open hours" are set by faculty/staff who manage each space.


How do I get it?

No action is required for your baseline building access to be added to your card. 

Having trouble accessing a location that you are authorized to enter? Use the "Report building access issue" button on this page to get support. 

Faculty and staff can use the "Grant/Modify people's building access" button at on this page to request additional access for others to spaces they control.

Faculty and staff can use the "Modify building hours" button on this page to change open hours for spaces they control.



Requests are processed during regular business hours when the College is open. 

Students who find themselves unable to access their residence halls after hours should contact Public Safety and Service for help. 


You might also be interested in

Based on your interest in this service, we think you may also be interested in the following LITS services:

Report building access issue Grant/Modify People's Building Access Modify building hours


Service ID: 405
Mon 6/26/23 11:36 AM
Mon 1/22/24 9:27 AM

Service Offerings (3)

Building access support
If your OneCard isn't working anymore or doesn't work somewhere that you think it should, LITS can help with that!
Modify building hours
Request changes to building "Open Hours".