How to check your student printing balance and request a printing refund


Find out how much free printing you have left for the semester and request refunds for print jobs that didn't print or that were incorrectly charged.

Requests can be submitted 24/7 and will be fulfilled during regular business hours when the College is open.

Check student free printing balance

  1. Log in to PaperCut with your MHC username and password. 
  2. Once successfully logged in, you will see your balance displayed under Summary.

Request printing refund

  1. Log in to PaperCut with your MHC username and password.
  2. Select Recent Print Jobs to view your recently released print jobs.
  3. Identify the job that did not print properly and select Request Refund.
Print Article


Article ID: 264
Wed 7/19/23 9:49 AM
Fri 9/15/23 4:57 PM

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An overview of campus printing costs.
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