How to add money to your OneCard


Use these instructions to add money to your MHCXpress account or the MHCXpress account of a loved one. 

Add money to your own MHCXpress account

There are two ways to deposit money on your OneCard:

  1. Online: Visit the OneCard website on a computer*, log in with your MHC username and password, and select Add Cash

    • Note: There is a 2.5% processing fee and $20 minimum to add funds online 

  2. In Person: Put cash on your OneCard at one of the Automatic Deposit Machines (ADMs) on campus: 

    • Lower level of Blanchard Community Center 

    • Auxiliary Services (accessible 24/7)

* The payment processor that our system uses isn't compatible with most mobile phones or tablets.

Add money to a loved one's MHCXpress account

Anyone can make a deposit online using the following steps: 

  1. Visit the OneCard website on a computer.*

  2. Choose Authorized User Login.

  3. Enter the ISO number of the account you're adding money into.

    • The ISO number is is a 16 digit number printed on the front of MHC OneCards

  4. Enter the first three letters of the account holder's first name.

    • Ex. if you're adding money to your child's account, enter the first three letters of your child's first name

  5. From there, you will enter a contact email address and the amount you want to deposit

    • Note: There is a 2.5% processing fee and $20 minimum to add funds online

  6. You can also choose to notify the cardholder (if it isn't you) and add an optional deposit note.

  7. Choose Continue

  8. Choose Pay by Card

  9. Enter your payment information and Submit

* The payment processor that our system uses isn't compatible with most mobile phones or tablets.

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Article ID: 262
Wed 7/19/23 9:22 AM
Tue 8/22/23 2:59 PM

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