How to check your OneCard account balances and review transactions


Follow the instructions below to check your Dining Dollar and MHCXpress account balances or review transactions. 

Want to know how much printing money you have left? Check your printing money balance

Check OneCard account balances

  1. Visit the OneCard website and log in with your MHC username and password
  2. Select Financial
  3. Choose Balances from the drop-down menu 

You can also find your remaining balance on your receipt when you pay with your OneCard or by selecting Balance Inquiry on an Automatic Deposit Machine. 

Review OneCard transactions

  1. Visit the OneCard website and log in with your MHC username and password
  2. Select Financial
  3. Choose Transactions from the drop-down menu 
  4. Under Quick Search, select either "past 30 days" or "past 60 days" to pull up your recent transactions 
  5. To look at older transactions and/or declined transactions, enter a date range 
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Article ID: 263
Wed 7/19/23 9:37 AM
Thu 9/21/23 3:54 PM

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Check how much "free printing" you have left for the semester and request refunds for print jobs that didn't print or that were incorrectly charged.
An overview of campus printing costs.
What happens to money on your OneCard at the end of the semester, end of the year, and when you graduate?

Related Services / Offerings (2)

In addition to providing access to campus buildings, MHC OneCards also have debit functions including: dining dollars, printing money, and the MHCXpress account.
Students can print from personal computers or campus lab computers to the multi-function devices (MFDs) across campus.