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Self-service access to details about your MHC computer.
When is a new employee's account created and how do you know? Getting a OneCard. Useful links to share with them.
LITS's general recommendations for incoming students looking for guidance on computer purchases. Plus information about educational discounts!
Your computer is a critical tool for your academic and professional work at Mount Holyoke College. Whether you’ve got a College-owned or personal computer, you want it to last as long as possible.
An overview of the software that comes standard on College-owned computers deployed to faculty and staff. Plus how to get other software.
Frequently asked questions to inform you about appropriate considerations when traveling with College-owned or personal technology devices. Traveling with technology is subject to both legal restrictions and security concerns, and it is important to be aware of the risks and best practices associated with carrying laptops or mobile devices abroad.
Initial troubleshooting steps to try when your personally-owned macOS computer is not behaving properly.
The standard computer models that LITS provides to faculty and staff.
What to do if you find you can't log into your College-owned Windows computer from off-campus.
When a faculty member retires, they have the option to purchase any of their assigned computers at a cost based on the depreciated value of the computer (plus applicable sales tax).
Troubleshoot challenges logging into Macs in MHC labs and classrooms.