Account life-cycle policy exception requests for departing employees

What is it?

MHC Account life-cycle policies dictate the routine deactivation process for the MHC Accounts of employees who depart the College in good standing. Review the articles MHC Accounts for faculty and MHC Accounts for staff for more details. 

If something different from the routine deactivation process is needed, department heads and chairs may request the following exceptions:

  • Access to the departed employee's MHC email inbox with HR supervision
  • The departed employee's Google MyDrive files moved to their supervisor's Google MyDrive
  • Assistance setting up an email auto-responder
  • Extended MHC Google and/or OneCard access for the departed employee (requires approval of the division's VP or their designee)


Who can use it?

MHC department heads and chairs


How do I get it?

Use the "Request exception" on this page to initiate a request.



Requests will be processed during regular business hours when the College is open.


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