LITS guide for departing faculty and staff


Use this guide to help prepare yourself as you leave MHC. This article covers things to do prior to departing related to your MHC Account, files, and equipment that the College has provided. 


Understand how your MHC Account access will change 

As a general rule, employees no longer have access to their MHC Accounts once they leave employment at the College. To get specifics for your role, please review the relevant knowledge article:


Manage your Google Calendar before departure

Transfer ownership of an entire Google calendar

If you manage Google calendar(s) that other MHC community members will continue to need after you leave, add ownership of the calendar(s) to an appropriate colleague. Once you’ve added the appropriate owners, unsubscribe from the calendar. This will effectively transfer ownership to them.


  • You cannot transfer ownership of your primary Google Calendar to anyone.
  • You cannot transfer ownership of any calendar to someone who doesn’t have a email account.
Transfer ownership of calendar events

If you’re the owner of an individual or recurring calendar event that will continue after you depart the College, you can follow these instructions for transferring ownership of that event. Note that the new owner needs to accept the transfer of ownership of the event by clicking a link in an automatic email. Until they accept, you’re still the owner


Transfer Google Group ownership if needed

If a departing employee is an owner of an MHC Google Group(s) that needs to remain, transfer ownership of the Google Group(s) to an appropriate colleague.

Not sure if you’re an owner of an MHC Google Group? See all the groups you own.


Review file storage locations

Make sure your colleagues retain access to important shared files you created

Any files that your colleagues will need to use after your departure should be saved in a location they can access before your last day at the College. 

  • Files that live in your Google “My Drive” that your colleagues will continue to need after your last day should be moved into a Google Shared Drive that includes the appropriate colleagues. Files in Google Shared Drives will remain accessible to everyone who has access to that Shared Drive after you leave.
    • If an appropriate Shared Drive doesn’t exist, please discuss with your supervisor before creating a new Shared Drive .
    • Files on your computer’s hard drive should either be added to a Google Shared Drive or saved in shared folders in MHCDrive depending on the type of information they contain. If you need help figuring out where to store your files, review our file storage guidelines or contact the LITS Technology Help Desk. 
  • Files already in Google Shared Drives or in MHCDrive do not need to be moved.
  • Reviewing the College Data Classification Policy and Data Handling Procedures may be helpful as you plan for your departure.
Save your MHC Google account data
  • If you want to export the data in your MHC Account to a different Google account, you can do so for free using Google Takeout Transfer
  • You can also use a paid service like Vault Me
  • The Technology Help Desk is able to provide advice and limited support for account data transfers.

Make sure to abide by the College Data Classification Policy and Data Handling Procedures.


Return LITS Equipment and materials


All departing employees must turn their laptop or desktop computer in at the end of their employment. Equipment should be returned to the Technology Help Desk.

At the request of a Department Head LITS can provide the files from the computer. Holding on to computers for the next employee does not always make sense. In some departments all employees have the same computers, but in most cases a new employee will get a new computer.

Retiring employees should review the retiree computer buyback policy to help them decide whether to purchase or return their College-owned computer.

You will be billed for any un-returned equipment, at the depreciated cost (plus sales tax).

 Library materials 

Return all library materials to the Circulation Desk or the 24 hour drop box outside the main entrance facing Clapp.

Media equipment 

Return all borrowed media equipment to Media Services


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Article ID: 305
Tue 7/25/23 4:10 PM
Fri 8/23/24 9:56 AM

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