MHC Accounts for contingent workers (aka affiliates)


Your MHC Account is your key to accessing the rich resources and powerful software tools available to the MHC community. 


Who gets them?

  • Vendors and contractors hired by MHC who need accounts
  • Contract employees hired as contingent workers
  • Five Colleges Inc employees assigned to MHC as their home campus
  • Volunteer athletics coaches
  • Research associates
  • Community auditors
  • Interns 

What's included?

Access to additional administrative systems must be requested.

Standard access includes:

Depending on the contingent worker type, users may also get:


Account Life-cycle

Creation & first access

Contingent worker accounts for vendors and contractors are created once they've been hired in Workday. The MHC employee listed as their supervisor or primary contact will be sent a system email with the contingent worker's MHC username, initial password, and helpful resources for getting started at MHC. 

Contingent worker accounts created for MHC employees hired as continent workers will be created once HR enters the new employee into the central administrative system. The person listed as their supervisor in Workday will be sent a system email with the their MHC username, initial password, and helpful resources for getting started at MHC. 


Account access ends once the contingent worker end date arrives. The contingent worker end date is originally specified at the beginning of their work at the College, and can be extended by their MHC contact or supervisor in Workday with the help of HR. 

When the account is deactivated:

  • The MHC contingent worker can no longer log in and access MHC systems
  • If they had an MHC Google account
    • Email, documents, calendars, and other data in Google aren't deleted
    • Shared documents in their Google Drive “My Drive” are still accessible to collaborators for now
    • New email messages and calendar invitations are blocked
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Related Articles (3)

Instructions to sign into multiple Google accounts.
This article is meant to help departing and retiring faculty and staff understand how best to prepare for a successful departure.
When is a new employee's account created and how do you know? Getting a OneCard. Useful links to share with them.

Related Services / Offerings (1)

Google and OneCard access extensions, supervisor access to email and files, and email auto-responder support.