MHC employee computer policy


MHC's employee computer policy for purchasing new machines and replacing existing ones.



This page outlines MHC's employee computer policy including the standard process for allocating and replacing employee computers, defined nonstandard situations for computer allocation, grant-, research-, and departmentally-funded computer allocation, and scenarios when computers may be "rolled-over" to meet another purpose after their initial allocation.

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Standard computer allocations (LITS funded)

LITS purchases and supports one computer per employee when computer usage is required as part of a position's job responsibilities. 

  • Each employee's computer is automatically scheduled for replacement with a newly purchased computer on a 4 – 5 year rotation cycle.
  • Employees may choose from one of four standard options when their computer is up for renewal:
    • one model and specification each of a Dell desktop, a Dell laptop, an Apple desktop or an Apple laptop. See our current standard computer models.
  • Monitors, keyboards and mice are reviewed periodically and replaced as needed.
  • Standard computer purchases are fully supported by LITS and can be repaired as needed under warranty with either vendor.
  • If an employee moves their office location, they should take their allocated computer with them.

Nonstandard computer requests (funded by LITS with supplemental departmental funding)

Nonstandard computer requests consist of any one or combination of the following situations:

  • employees who require more than one computer to perform their job duties,
  • employees requesting more than one external monitor,
  • employees who require something different from the standard computer models (ex a tablet/iPad), and
  • employees who require an early computer replacement (less than 4 years).

Nonstandard requests are processed through the same form as standard computer requests.

Because extra resources may be involved to accommodate nonstandard requests, employees should clear the request with appropriate individuals in their area (e.g., Dean of Faculty, department head, manager).  

Additional costs to fund the exceptions are considered a departmental expense.  

Nonstandard computer requests are evaluated by LITS for technical needs and supportability and in consultation with Officers, Deans or Department Chairs/Directors for operational considerations. The evaluation process considers operational needs, past precedents, available financial and support resources and competing needs. Some nonstandard computer purchases may not be fully supported by LITS.  

Employees submitting a nonstandard computer request related to accessibility accommodation must work through the Human Resources department to document their need. LITS will act on Human Resources’ recommendation to fulfill requests related to accessibility needs.

Grant, research and departmentally funded computer purchases (not LITS funded)

All computers purchased with College funds, including LITS funds, grants and endowed, departmental, research or special funds, are considered College property and must be tagged and added to the College's computer inventory database maintained by LITS.

The Dean of Faculty and Financial Services have mandated a limit of two total computers per employee purchased with any combination of the above College funding sources. Employees who have an operational need to purchase more than two computers must gain approval first through the Dean of Faculty (for faculty) or Financial Services (for staff).

LITS should be consulted to provide planning, pricing, support and technical information to individuals and departments using grant, endowed, departmental, startup or other special non-LITS funds to purchase computing equipment in order to ensure that purchases follow current College purchasing policies.

Since grant, endowed, departmental and special funds are often one-time money or represent special situations, computers funded from these sources are not generally placed in the automatic replacement cycle, and replacement requests are reviewed by the appropriate Officer.

When computers purchased with non-LITS funds are no longer needed, they should be disposed of according to one of the following options:

  • The equipment may be redeployed by the individual or department to meet another College need, provided this change has the approval of the granting agency and the equipment still operates effectively.  LITS must be notified of this redeployment.
  • The equipment may be given to LITS, provided this change has the approval of the granting agency. Depending on the type of equipment and its age, LITS may redeploy it to meet another College need or recycle it.

Rollover computer allocations (LITS funded)

Occasionally, once an employee computer has been replaced by a new computer on the replacement cycle, it may be redeployed for continued use for a limited time as an additional workstation for part-time use (often for student employees).

These “rollover” computers are not replaced on a rotation cycle and not fully supported by LITS. They should not be used for critical purposes and should not remain in use for more than two years after being designated as a rollover.

If a critical need exists to add a new computer to the College’s standard rotating inventory, a request should be submitted to allocate a new machine. Rollover machines should not be used to fulfill critical College needs.



Article ID: 316
Thu 7/27/23 1:13 PM
Tue 9/24/24 1:24 PM

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