MHC Accounts for dual enrollment high school students


Your MHC Account is your key to accessing the rich resources and powerful software tools available to the MHC community. 

Who gets them?

Local high school students enrolled in a course at MHC

What's included?

Standard access includes:

In some cases, these students will get MHC Email, Calendar, Drive, Docs, Sheets and more powered by Google.

Account Life-cycle

Creation & first access

Dual enrollment high school students who are registered ahead of the semester will receive an email with the information they need to access their MHC Account within 2 weeks of the first day of class. 

Students who enroll during the add/drop period will receive their account creation email once their enrollment is processed by MHC's Registrar's Office.


Account access ends when the semester is over unless the student is already enrolled in another MHC course for the following semester.

Access restored if enrolled in another course

MHC Account access is restored in any future semesters where the student is enrolled in an MHC course, though the initial account creation email is not resent.

If needed, review our MHC Account password reset instructions.

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