MHC Accounts for Five College students


What are they? Who gets them? What's included?



Five College students taking courses at MHC are provided with an MHC Account. This includes a OneCard ID badge for access to campus buildings and access to some online systems

Your MHC Account is created the first time you register for an MHC course. An email notice with your MHC Account username, initial password, and account setup instructions goes out shortly before the semester begins (or upon account creation if you register during add/drop). More details about when these accounts are created and deactivated in the Account Life-cycle section below. 

Which Five College students are eligible?

Five College students currently enrolled in an MHC course


What's included?

OneCard building access

Five College students can get an MHC OneCard that will allow you to enter the academic building(s) for your course, the library, and the student center. More on building access.

After you set up your MHC Account, including uploading a OneCard photo ahead of time if desired, you can come to the LITS Technology Help Desk to get your OneCard printed.


MHC system access 

Some systems you get access to as a Five College student taking a course at MHC will have you use your home institution account to authenticate, but others require MHC credentials. Once you complete MHC Account setup, you can use your MHC Account to log into the systems that require MHC credentials. Find more information about logging into MHC systems

MHC system HOME institution account login MHC Account login
MHC eduroam WiFi
MHC Moodle  
(Moodle log in instructions for Five College Students)
MHC Pathways advising system
MHC library services,
Including Discover advanced search, online journals, library databases*
MHC classroom and lab computers
MHC OneCard 
MHC printing
for remote access to on-campus resources
MHC Duo multi-factor authentication
MHC's AskLITS portal (this website!)

*This is primarily needed for online and digital resources. You can request and check out physical materials from any of the Five Colleges via your home institution's library system and have them delivered to your home institution's library regardless of whether you have an active MHC Account as a Five College community member.


Need to eat at MHC?

Reach out to your home institution contact to inquire about participating in the Five College meal exchange program


Account Life-cycle

Creation & first access

If you enroll in your first MHC course prior to the add/drop period at the beginning of the semester (ex. during regular registration the prior semester), you will receive an account creation email with the information you need to set up your MHC Account within 2 weeks of the first day of class.

If you enroll in your first MHC course during the add/drop period, you will receive your account creation email once your enrollment is processed by MHC's Registrar's Office. This can take several days from when your registration is finalized at your home institution.

Your account creation email will have the subject line "Access Your Mount Holyoke Account & OneCard" and be sent from



Your MHC Account is deactivated when the semester is over unless you are already enrolled in another MHC course for the following semester.  When the account is deactivated you can no longer use it to log into systems and your OneCard will no longer provide building access.


Taking another course at MHC?

If you are in an MHC course and are also registered for another MHC course the following semester then your MHC Account will remain active until that course is over.

Additionally, in any future semesters where you are enrolled in an MHC course, your MHC Account and OneCard will be reactivated, though the initial account creation email is NOT resent

For support re-accessing an existing MHC Account, please visit the MHC Account access support page




Article ID: 167
Fri 7/7/23 2:26 PM
Mon 12/2/24 11:11 AM

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