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Instructions for forwarding voicemails from your campus telephone to your MHC email inbox.
Forgotten your Mount Holyoke College Account password, or just need to reset it? Resetting your MHC Account password using the instructions below will change your password for Google Mail and Apps, Moodle, my.mtholyoke and all services that require MHC credentials.
Make sure that MHC has your most up-to-date personal email address to support the password reset process.
Instructions for marking unwanted junk email as spam.
What to do if you can't log into your MHC Google account because you don't have access to your 2-step verification methods.
An introduction to 2-step verification and instructions for enrolling your MHC Account in Google 2-step verification.
Learn how your access to MHC systems and services will change when you become an alum - and how to prepare!
Log in instructions for MHC Google accounts.
Guidance around use of MHC Google and third-party apps
Guidance on mail labels, filters, managing large volumes of email, attachments, and more.
Instructions for setting up the option to "send as" a different email address from your Gmail inbox. Useful for sending as a Google group!
This article covers answers to common questions about alum email forwarding
A description of what Phishing is and how to report it at MHC.
Instructions for removing a delegated account from your Gmail account.
Instructions for adding and removing people from a Google group. You must be a group owner or manager to manage group membership for a Google group.